Reflections from a small business owner

I'm self-reflective by nature, but I've been pleasantly surprised by how much I've learned about myself this year. 

More than ever, I understand how I work best, what drives me to succeed, how to price and communicate my value. When you strip away all the expectations and politics of a typical workplace, it's amazing what you can reveal about your habits, your energy throughout the day and week, your response to challenges and opportunities. 

I feel more clear, focused, and motivated than I ever have in my career. And I'm still able to prioritize my health, my family, and even some self-compassion for the days I feel "off" or less motivated.

I've found I'm more productive and produce better work because I no longer get caught up in daily anxiety about how my performance will be evaluated, or a false sense of urgency about projects, or tasks that feel unaligned to my goals. Managing my own timeline and approach allows me to be more effective and efficient with my work.

And on top of what I've learned about myself, I've learned about new markets, business models, and work styles. I've had the opportunity to partner with teams across more than a dozen clients and am constantly expanding my knowledge and toolkit to better serve clients in the future.

I’m so grateful for this unique opportunity I have. I fell into this work somewhat by accident, but now I can’t imagine spending my time any other way.


Help! I need marketing support and don’t know who to hire!


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